A recap on the events from a week ago:
1:00am, Friday morning, February 20th --- Pop! Alysa's water broke as we were both asleep. We called the doctor and gathered our last minute things. While heading to the hospital, we made a few phone calls to update our parents.
2:20am --- Alysa transfered to the labor & delivery room (after being monitored in triage). She's nearly 10cm dilated and is feeling the urge to push.
3:01am --- It's a boy!!! Welcome Ethan Timothy Traylor
9 lbs 11 oz
22 inches long
(Just for the record, at Alysa's 39 week appointment, the baby was estimated to be just over 7lbs. Ooooops And neither Alysa or I were big babies. Quite a shock!)
We are SO thankful to have been blessed with such a smooth delivery and healthy baby. Mommy and daddy are doing great, too. Ethan has been doing very well with nursing and continues to sleep well through the night. On an average night, he will go between 2.5 to 3 hours between feedings. Yeah!