Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Niagara Falls, Canada

We had our first family trip outside of the US last week. Joel, Ethan and I went with MeeMaw, PeePops and Greg to Niagara Falls and Toronto in Canada and then ended with a wedding for Peepops and MeeMaw and NYC for the rest of us. It was an adventure with a 5 month old along for the 8 hour car rides, but we made it with only a few bad crying spells followed by long naps.

Ethan did well sleeping at the hotel in his pack 'n play and just on a blanket pallet in NYC. We did not take him back for his daily naps so those are off now that we are home, but I am hoping that he will soon pick up where went left off.

Here we are at Rockefeller Center in NYC. Ethan napped in his bjorn while we toured.

To check out more of the photos click here

Monday, July 27, 2009

Eating solids like a big boy

What fun it is to eat solids! We had cantaloupe one night and decided to see if Ethan would like a lick. Well as you can see he wanted more than just a little taste.

Yesterday we gave him rice cereal for the first time. He ate like a champ. Nothing was spit out at us and there was not a tear shed or head turned away. He ate 2 servings worth and would probably had more, but we thought that was enough for the first time. :) Mommy was the one that needed lessons on getting the food in the mouth and not on his face. Poor little guy puts up with his parents so well. hahahaha


On another note, we just returned from our trip to Niagara Falls. I will more post pictures later, but we had a great time. Ethan was a trooper with the 8 hour drive and late nights out. Not too bad for his first trip out of the good 'ol U.S. of A.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4 month check up

So I'm a little slow since our little man will be 5 months on Monday. Where does the time go?

And the numbers: drumroll please
  • weight - 14 lbs. (25th percentile) Not a hefty guy, but look at his parents!
  • length - 26 inches (80th percentile) again look at the parents
We are on par or above with everything and the doctor was highly impressed with Ethan's head control and rolling skills. He said that we will probably have an early crawler. I do not have the house babyproofed - so hopefully the crawling will hold off a bit. :) We can also start feeding him solids, but I think we are going to wait a bit longer. At least until we get back from vacation so we do not have to mess with new schedule and new foods. Something tells me bad combo...

Fun things that happened this month:

2nd haricut - Mommy used Daddy's clippers 'cause it was just too much to tackle with the scissors. You can really tell from the 3 month picture to this one as to how much was cut.

Ocean - Ethan had his first overnight trip to the Atlantic Ocean. We went out on the beach just to get his picture taken in the water. Thanks Mike, Heather, and Tyler for letting us crash with you for the weekend.